Shipping & Returns
Shipping Time
Orders are shipped from our warehouse in Ontario. Most orders are delivered 1 to 7 business days after being placed, depending on your location. We will notify you within 24 hours if items you ordered are out-of-stock. Orders placed before 10:00a.m. PST are eligible to ship same day, though it is never guaranteed.
Shipping Method
Orders are shipped with UPS® Standard Ground Service. If you would like your order sent faster, please contact customer service for a quote. Same Day service is unavailable.
We ship to all areas of Canada! Additional delivery time and service charges may apply to remote locations. Orders cannot be picked up at the warehouse.
Need to return all or part of your order? No problem! Just email with a complete list of all of the items you
would like to return, including style numbers, colours, sizes and quantities.
Please include your order number. We will reply with return instructions.
All returns are subject to a 15% restocking fee.
Altered garments are not returnable.
Shipping and handling charges are not refundable.
Returns must be authorized by
Returns without a RA # will be refused.
Claims must be made within 15 days from receipt.
Items must be sent Freight Pre-Paid.
Please allow up to 10 business days for credits to be processed.
Order cancellation can only be made before shipment.
Once shipment occurs, the return policy is in effect.
Please note that order statuses online are only updated once tracking numbers are received from the warehouse. This means that your order may be processed and packed before the status changes. If that is the case, we are unable to accommodate and modifications or cancellations.